Having a long period away from school, such as the summer holidays, can mean that children may lack confidence when they return in the autumn term. Therefore, it is important to keep their minds active whilst still having a fun summer! Here are some easy ways to incorporate educational activities into your summer holidays.


Reading is a wonderful way for children to continue their learning throughout the summer! You could plan a trip to the library for them to choose a book that they are interested in, which they could then read independently or you could read to them. By making this a habit and allowing children to have the independence of choosing their own book, reading becomes more enjoyable. It is also great to have a little bit of a routine, such as a weekly activity that you do together throughout the summer.

Keep a summer journal

Keeping a summer journal allows children to articulate their own ideas and feelings in a way that they feel is their own. They can keep a note of the things that they have done, the people that they have met and the places that they have visited. Not only does this encourage them to expand and use their vocabulary, it will be lovely to look back on at the end of the summer holidays and revisit all of the special memories that have been made.

Go on trips

Going on day trips to places such as a National Trust site, a zoo, a museum or even something as easy as going on a walk in the park are all great ways for children to learn. They can take photographs, write about their visits in their journal and learn about the world around them.

Learning new skills

Starting a new club or taking up a new hobby will enable them to learn something new is a fantastic way and occupy some time in the summer. Children could even help their parents to cook meals or bake something delicious for the family. By allowing them to measure out the ingredients, this will, in turn, support their maths skills; they are learning and maintaining important skills whilst having some fun!

Consolidate their notes from the past year

Having some time off of school gives students an opportunity to go over the things that they have learnt in the past year. This is a great time to get ahead with revision notes for students heading towards exams, check their understanding of topics that they find difficult and make sure they are organised for when they go back to school. 

The summer holidays are definitely a time to relax and enjoy some freedom, but continuing to do a little work each week will make such a difference to them when they return to school in the autumn. This is certainly true for those students going from primary to secondary school, or moving from GCSEs to A-levels, as these are a big step up! We are here to help them to bridge the gap, so just get in touch to hear about the blocks of sessions that we can offer to prepare them for the challenges of the new term :)
