There is a noticeable lack of support available when it comes to studying law, thus we are pleased to announce that Kieran has joined us at INICIO as our specialist law tutor.



When we asked what are the most difficult aspects of studying law, this was his response....
"Differentiating between murder and manslaughter, institutions of the European Union and presenting a logical and coherent argument using legal terminology".
He went on to give an overview of what is involved when studying law at A-level....
"A-level law provides students with a sound understanding of the English legal system, which includes both criminal and civil law (tort and contract). Examining various legal concepts develops a students ability to research, analyse and construct a balanced argument and present points coherently (essential for higher education). Unlike many other subjects, law provides a knowledge-base which is transferable to day to day life and scenarios.
Typical discussion points include: Is the law clear enough to allow us to understand when we are breaking it? For example, do you know that no application of force is required to commit an assault? Is it right that ordinary members of the public sit on a jury? What is the impact of EU Law on the Law of England and Wales and what is likely to happen post Brexit? How do I become a lawyer?"

If this sounds fascinating and you want to know more, why not book yourself in for private one-to-one lessons with Kieran to learn all about the interesting topic of Law.
