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University Advice

I failed my A-levels... what do I do now?


I failed my A-levels... what do I do now?

Although INICIO students rarely find themselves in this predicament, as we have mentored and guided them towards realistic goals, you never know what’s going to happen on the day of the ‘real’ exam. It might be that you were on track for an ‘A*’ all year, but then on the day you misread the main essay question, panicked, or ran out of time, which led to your results day not being quite as happy as you imagined.


Choosing a Course


Choosing a Course

Choosing a degree course to study at university can be harder than it sounds. It's a lot more than just choosing a subject; courses with the same name can actually differ a lot in terms of modules on offer, exam/coursework ratio, contact time and much more. We've written a blog on the process to help you make an informed decision!


Choosing a University


Choosing a University

When it comes to choosing a university, A-Level students can often be overwhelmed with choice. We've put together a guide to take you through the most important things to consider when making up your mind. 
