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The results day fallout


The results day fallout

Many of us know at least one young adult that suffered the dreaded A-level results day last week or, if not, someone that will have a similar ordeal with today’s GCSE results.

As we all remember vividly, it’s a day that can go either way. After weeks and weeks of putting it to the back of your mind, that August date creeps ever nearer and occupies more and more of your thoughts.

The fact is, they’re not just exam results. They are the difference between packing for university in a few weeks’ time and having to rethink your whole career plan, the difference between joining your friends in the sixth-form and being the one left behind to resit Year 11.


That’s huge. That’s life-changing.

Despite the fact that these results are important, we have to keep in mind that they were written months ago and that there is absolutely nothing at all that can alter them now; no amount of hoping, wishing or praying will change the result inside that envelope.

What we do know is that, if a student is worried about their exam results, they care very much and, if they care, they probably studied well and revised as much as they possibly could last spring.

If all this is true, then they should be proud of themselves, whatever the envelope holds and they should know that ‘success’ in life doesn’t always rely on an exam result.


There are many roads to success and, if they’re determined and hardworking, that little piece of paper won’t prevent them from achieving their goals. If they didn’t stand in the way of Albert Einstein, Vincent Van Gough or Bill Gates, exam results shouldn’t be a hindrance for anyone.

So – for you students out there – whether your grades fall short of your expectations or exceed them, an exam result doesn’t determine your fate – you go get ‘em!

Education column by Sarah Ludden-Roughley

Sarah is the owner and mentor of Harborough firm Inicio, based at Bennett’s Place Courtyard in Market Harborough, LE16 7NL. It offers exclusive private tuition in a bespoke study environment offering tailored one-to-one learning.

For more details, see its website at, email or phone 01858 462648.

Follow Inicio on Twitter, @Iniciotutors
