A few months ago, we sat down with our then lead mentor, Charlotte Wood, who told us a little bit about her journey since graduating from the University of Manchester. INICIO is worlds away from her first graduate job at NEXT and we were really interested in the reasons behind why she moved and how we compare!
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At this point, despite the Chequers plan, everyone is still unsure on the effect of Brexit and I think we will continue to be confused until all of the fine details are hashed out and the clock has struck midnight on the 31st December 2020. However, I am going to join the hoards of people speculating what this monumental political event could mean.
Hannah was really struggling with French, so much so that her last result was a D. She planned to drop French after Year 11.
How did Hannah go from failing to studying French and Mandarin at university?
After another difficult year with French, Hannah asked for help. She started tutoring sessions with Sarah, who quickly recognised that Hannah’s fear could be turned into her passion.
From warm, engaging one-to-one sessions with Sarah, Hannah gradually found her confidence. She also discovered a love of languages. Inspired by Sarah’s passion, Hannah thrived in the learning environment and began to excel – and not only in French. In addition to scoring an A in French, she also scored an A at GCSE maths after only six weeks of tutoring.
Hannah’s mum agrees with 100% of parents who say that their child enjoys their time at INICIO.
A more recent update on Hannah :)
"I graduated from Exeter in 2018 with a degree in Chinese and French and I have spent the last two years completing a masters in International Business at Grenoble Ecole de Management, which I just finished last month!
I have also just completed an 8-month internship in corporate development, which I did alongside my thesis.”
We love hearing what our previous students are up to and Hannah has clearly been keeping herself busy over the past few years! We're so pleased that she has continued with languages after Sarah helped her to turn her fear into her passion :)
In this second instalment of Charlotte's blog about studying languages at degree level, she talks about the year abroad that takes place before your final year and, in particular, how to make the most of this fantastic opportunity!
You'll often hear our team preaching the benefits of language learning to our maths, English and science students... Charlotte (our French tutor) will talk you through some of these advantages and look at degree-level language skills and tuition!