How Oxbridge Students Revise


How Oxbridge Students Revise

Oxbridge universities are amongst the best in the world. They are seen as the hardest universities to get into and they run the most intense and difficult degrees in the UK. Their exams are so competitive, with the results being published publically, which adds even more stress to the students. This blog reveals how Oxbridge students cope with this and how these skills can be transferred to A-levels, GCSEs and SATs.


How to de-stress your revision.


How to de-stress your revision.

School holidays feel like they should be a time for students to forget school, relax and have fun. Yet, during study leave especially, students are at home revising for upcoming exams, and it can be one of the most stressful times of the year. We have put together this quick guide that won’t only help students de-stress in the lead up to exams, but also help to achieve the grades they want in the most efficient way.


Why learn Greek?


Why learn Greek?

Want to submerse yourself in the greek culture? Why not start by learning the greek language in order to break down communication barriers and allow yourself a richer experience, when interacting with native Greek speakers.
